Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Metric Conversion Calculators FAQ

A metric conversion calculator serves to make converting from one metric unit into another easy and simple. Basically, there are two main metric systems in which different measurements are expressed: the SI or the International System of measurements ( SI comes from the french Système International d'Unités) which is used almost everywhere in the world, and the American metric system, which is different and used mostly in America.

A metric conversion calculator would normally make changing one measure from the American metric system into it's equal in the SI system and vice versa. Since this calculator is of great essence for all people that do scientific measurements and calculations, we answered the most frequently asked questions about it:

Is Metric the Same as SI?

Yes, it is. The Si has been defined for more than 50 years, so for practical purposes, today the SI is called simply the 'metric' system.

How Do I Know If a country is 'Metric' or 'Non-Metric'?

Generally , the US is known to be a 'non-metric' country, but it's non-metric only in the signs of their roads, speedometers and weather reports, while it's metric in some areas like food quantity and nutrition labels. On the other side, UK is considered to be a metric country, but their road signs are non-metric, just like the US. So there really isn't any definitive guide on which country is using which system, since there is no country that uses entirely one system.

Is 1 Liter the Same as 1 Cubic Decimeter?

Yes, 1 liter has the same volume as 1 cubic decimeter, and also, 1 milliliter has the same volume as the suitable 1 cubic centimeter.

How Big Is a Hectare?

1 Hectare is equal to an area of 10 000 m², and is used for measuring the area of land. So, in 1 square kilometer, there are 100 hectares, or pretty much the same area of a square that's 10 football fields on a side.

Is It a Comma or a Period for the Decimal Point?

They are both correct, as long as there is at least one number before the decimal point, and the point is written low, not in the middle of the space between the two numbers. Some countries use one of them, some use both, it all depends on what mark has the national language adopted.

Where Can I Find Unit Conversion Calculators or Factors?

A comprehensive list of conversion factors can be downloaded from NIST SI Bibliography, and a metric conversion calculator can be bought from online and offline retailers. Just be sure in advance what your requirements are and how much are you willing to pay for it. You can visit reliable online store for a wide offer of affordable metric conversion calculators. A general recommendation is not to try and learn the conversion factors by heart; but rather to try and understand them, much like learning a new language.

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