Friday, August 21, 2015

Popular Students Graphic Calculators

Students graphic calculators are indispensable aiding devices in understanding a variety of science and math concepts. The graphic calculator is a must-have calculating device for students who need to improve their mathematical skills. Many studies have shown that students who use graphic calculators achieve better results and have stronger attitude towards mathematics than the students who use another type of calculator or do not use calculating device at all.

Speaking of students graphic calculators, what you need to know is that these devices are not simple answer boxes. This type of calculating devices help students solve complex problems and equations by helping them understand the concepts, relate them to real-life problems and develop their critical thinking.

Students graphic calculators are of great use in a variety of situations for wide range of scientific fields and subjects, including (but not limited to): Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Finance and Calculus. An important factor to mention about the students graphic calculators is that most of the teachers allow their students to use them on in-class tests. Given this, we think that you don't need further proof of the importance and necessity of graphic calculators for every student's successes in natural science subjects, what we think is that if you haven't got your graphic calculator, this is the right time to buy one. Here are the three most popular students graphic calculators you can choose from:

Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus

There is no doubt that the TI-84 Plus graphic calculator is a best pick, knowing that it comes from the leading brand in the calculating industry – Texas Instruments. This calculator combines a variety of functions that every student needs. It is such a powerful calculating device that it's the recommended calculating for the most demanding tests for math, physics, statistics, finance students and many others.

Hewlett-Packard HP 50G

This is one one of the most popular students graphic calculators among students from different scientific branches. The Hewlett-Packard HP 50G is known as one of the most reliable calculating devices for solving complex equations and plotting graphs. Another reason why students love this graphic calculator is its ability to solve a wide variety of algebraic problems and maps in 2D and 3D. Moreover, this calculator provides and extensive range of over 2000 built-in function, which is a fact worth for every respect!

Casio Classpad 400

The Casio Classpad 400 calculator makes great choice for every student who is eager to dive into the exciting world of mathematics. It is a calculating device optimized for classroom use, which means that it can provide you accurate answers to all of your math related problems. The main features that set this Casio Classpad model among the other models include: 4.8 inch colour display, finger-touch operation, simple, intuitive user interface and horizontal screen view. All in all, this graphic calculator has everything a student needs for solving math problems easy, fast and efficiently.  

Friday, August 14, 2015

Introducing ElectriCalc Pro Electrical Calculator

If you are an electrician, designer, lighting specialist or electrical contractor, you best know how important accurate and precise measurements are. When it comes to serious projects, there is no place for a minimum variation in the calculations. Hence, what you need for ensuring the successful outcome of your projects is a powerful and reliable calculating device. If you still haven't found the ideal calculator to ease your work and rely on every time, look no further; meet the one-of-a-kind ElectriCalc Pro.

The ElectircCalcPro is what every electrician needs for completing electrical installations on a efficient and flawless manner. This calculating device is indispensable and irreplaceable for tasks such as calculating wire sizing, finding the best integrated voltage drops solution. Moreover, with this calculator you can calculate motor full-loads, fuse and breaker and overload protection sizes. For every business person included in construction work, more particular in designing, installing and maintaining all kinds of electrical systems, the ElectriCalc Pro is a real life-saver.

Why Choose ElectriCalc Pro?

There are many reasons why you should invest in this best-value instrument. First, it saves you time on making the necessary calculations before any project. Second, by providing you accurate and precise calculations ElectriCalc Pro helps you find the best solution possible and reduce the costs on material. Last but not least important, this electric calculator eliminates code violations on electrical design, regardless of the type of electrical system you are designing, installing and maintaining. Simply put, ElectriCalc Pro is your best ally in performing reliable, accurate and cost-efficient estimation for various construction jobs, or in other words, this electrical calculating device is a complete tool that will save you time, money and trouble.

The ElectriCalc Pro is a common choice of the electrical professionals. Many of them would say that there is no other calculating tool that can ease the work in calculating wiring sizes, such as parallel and derated wire sizes, which can be for wires made out of materials such ans aluminum and coper, solving code-related problems and for voltage drop calculations as well.

Where to find and buy ElectriCalc Pro

For best calculating experience, make a good research and homework before you start your quest for this device. First and foremost find a reliable store and retailer best known for providing nothing but originals. This is nothing difficult nor overwhelming to do since there are many online and brick-and-mortar shops on the Australian marker from where you get your ElectriCalc Pro.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Simple Guide to Construction Master Pro

It's the 21st century, and although some of us are good in math and doing calculations without any specific difficulties, spending that much time on calculating by hand is just silly. Technology is developing too fast for anyone to still be doing that. When it comes to construction workers, calculating is a necessity. And mistakes can cost a lot. So, to prevent this and make your life as a construction worker much, much easier, you should get a calculator, one specifically designed to be your partner in doing a flawless construction work.

Advanced math operations don't need to be perceived as scary anymore; an advanced calculator specifically designed for solving advanced mathematical problems is now available to all building professionals. You no longer need to calculate on your own how many sheets of building material you need, look for solutions for stairs, roofing materials, compound miter cut angles, or do any estimates on materials needed. Now you have a calculator to do all that for you. It's the Construction Master Pro, the solution for all builder's problems. Here's a short guide to this small gadget that can do so much to ease your life as a construction worker.
This calculator sets the industry's standard up high to a whole new level. It's designed to meet the needs of everyone from architects, contractors, estimators, builders, framers and engineers. The model offers built-in solutions and expanded preference settings. The Construction Master Pro is perfect for completing layouts, bids, and estimates and will also help you save time and money by calculating the right amount of materials you need for your job to be perfectly done with no expensive waste.

One of its many features allows you to convert between a lot of building dimensional formats: yards, feet-inches, fractions and metric values, including area and volume. The calculator also includes options for calculating advanced operations like risers, treads, stringer length, and calculating angle problems (angle incline, right angles); how many sheets with precise dimensions are needed to cover an area; jack rafter results for pitch roofs (regular and irregular); determining number of on-center studs for an known length. You can also calculate problems that include circles, arches, cones, pillars, windows and post-holes arcs and many more.

The Construction Master Pro offers a hand-held convenience to its user; you get to custom-define your preferences and also get a paperless tape that shows you the last 20 entries you made, so you'll have a clear view on previous calculations. Plus, you get an accumulating memory with three more memory storage locations.

The calculator comes with two 1.5-volt batteries (LR-44/A76) and a special feature: an auto shut-off option that turns the calculator off after 8-12 minutes of not using it. The overall design is elegant and convenient; it measures 5.6 inches by 3 inches by .6 inches, and weighs about 4.5 ounces.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Metric Conversion Calculators FAQ

A metric conversion calculator serves to make converting from one metric unit into another easy and simple. Basically, there are two main metric systems in which different measurements are expressed: the SI or the International System of measurements ( SI comes from the french Système International d'Unités) which is used almost everywhere in the world, and the American metric system, which is different and used mostly in America.

A metric conversion calculator would normally make changing one measure from the American metric system into it's equal in the SI system and vice versa. Since this calculator is of great essence for all people that do scientific measurements and calculations, we answered the most frequently asked questions about it:

Is Metric the Same as SI?

Yes, it is. The Si has been defined for more than 50 years, so for practical purposes, today the SI is called simply the 'metric' system.

How Do I Know If a country is 'Metric' or 'Non-Metric'?

Generally , the US is known to be a 'non-metric' country, but it's non-metric only in the signs of their roads, speedometers and weather reports, while it's metric in some areas like food quantity and nutrition labels. On the other side, UK is considered to be a metric country, but their road signs are non-metric, just like the US. So there really isn't any definitive guide on which country is using which system, since there is no country that uses entirely one system.

Is 1 Liter the Same as 1 Cubic Decimeter?

Yes, 1 liter has the same volume as 1 cubic decimeter, and also, 1 milliliter has the same volume as the suitable 1 cubic centimeter.

How Big Is a Hectare?

1 Hectare is equal to an area of 10 000 m², and is used for measuring the area of land. So, in 1 square kilometer, there are 100 hectares, or pretty much the same area of a square that's 10 football fields on a side.

Is It a Comma or a Period for the Decimal Point?

They are both correct, as long as there is at least one number before the decimal point, and the point is written low, not in the middle of the space between the two numbers. Some countries use one of them, some use both, it all depends on what mark has the national language adopted.

Where Can I Find Unit Conversion Calculators or Factors?

A comprehensive list of conversion factors can be downloaded from NIST SI Bibliography, and a metric conversion calculator can be bought from online and offline retailers. Just be sure in advance what your requirements are and how much are you willing to pay for it. You can visit reliable online store for a wide offer of affordable metric conversion calculators. A general recommendation is not to try and learn the conversion factors by heart; but rather to try and understand them, much like learning a new language.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Pipes Trade Pro Calculator: Instant Answers for All Pipe Layout and Design Problems

Finally, pipe layout and design problems of complex math calculations have been found a solution. It is called Pipes Trade Pro calculator. This is the only calculator available on today's market that offers instant answers to sprinklerfitters, steamfitters and welders pipefitters for a range of advanced calculation problems, such as weight/volume conversions, parallel pipe cutbacks, pressures, flow rates, complex rolling offsets and much more.

To get better introduced to the revolutionary Pipes Trade Pro calculator, take a glance at its key features:
  • Accuracy: 12-digit internal accuracy;
  • Battery type: 1.5V (LR-44/A76) battery;
  • Display type: 12 digits;
  • Auto shutdown.
This super-powerful pro calculator is especially designed for those involved in pipe layout and design. But, that is not all that the user can get from this special model of calculator. Thus, it can be also used for solving basic math calculations. And one its greatest specialties is the attractive, high-end case that is resistant to dust, moisture and shocks.

Quick and Accurate Pipe Calculations

This is what you can get from the Pipes Trade Pro calculator, which as we have already mentioned, is the perfect work-tool for professional pipefitters. Thanks to this versatile device, these people spend less time on looking at charts and calculating at the same time, which allows them to spend more time on the work itself, like welding, cutting and placing the pipes.

Fast Reference with Built-In Pipe Data

Another non-hidden superpower of the Pipes Trade Pro calculator is the handy pipe data that refers to seven different types of materials: case iron, brass, aluminum, plastic, copper, steel and stainless steel. You will only need to select the pipe type and the type material, then type the pipe size, and you will be given instant answers about pipe's wall thickness, diameter, internal area and filled weight per foot.

Here is a full list of all dedicated functions of this modern and extremely versatile calculating device:
  • Trigonometry and feet-inch-fractions;
  • Fitting bends, angles, drops, slopes and percent grades;
  • Right offsets, angles and complex rolling offsets;
  • Parallel pipe cutbacks;
  • Fill weights, pipe area;
  • Force, velocity, volumes and flow rates;
  • Pressure loss for any pipe type, size and distance.

If you are interested in buying a Pipes Trade Pro calculator, start browsing the offers of the online retailers that come in a vast number on the market. Opt for reputation and experience, which will offer you the opportunity to buy a quality calculating device at affordable price that will serve you for the years to come.  

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Popular Calculator Accessories

Calculator accessories are important items that complement the use of a calculator. Regardless if you are using a simple pocket calculator or an advanced financial or a graphic calculator, to protect your calculating device and make it more user-friendly, you ought to purchase the essential calculator accessories.

There is a wide span of accessories provided by many manufacturers. The most popular calculator accessories sought and purchased on the Australian marketplace include:

Calculator Case

    To protect your calculator from scratches, damages or breaking, while carrying it in your bag or when using it, what you need is a quality calculator case. This item can also help you personalize your calculator and differentiate it from the other peoples' calculators in your class or job site. This type of calculator accessories are available in various colours, materials, sizes and types.


    For the calculators that can be connected to a computer or other device, cables are must-have pieces of equipment. There are special cables that enable connecting the calculator to a computer for downloading applications and programs and uploading data. Also, you can buy a cable with which you can connect your device to a projector in order to share results with classmates or coworkers.

Calculator Stand

    The calculator stand is one of the calculator accessories that simplify the use of the device. This item enables convenience while typing as well as easy way to display the calculator screen in a group of more people.

Rechargeable Batteries

    In situations of prolonged usage of the calculator you will probably need an reliable source of power. Unlike the batteries for a single usage that might require frequent replacement, the rechargeable batteries will save you money down the road, while saving you additional costs. You can use these batteries for longer period only on a single charge.


    The calculator keyboard is a compatible device that can be connected to different types of calculators. The main purpose of the use of this accessory is enabling easier and more convenient way of inputting functions and numbers. This device also provides a possibility for taking notes.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Financial Calculators to Help You Plan Your Finances

Everyone has made a financial mistake that has ended up with big money loss. But with all these technologies available today, it is unreasonable to make such mistake twice. The best way to avoid financial troubles is to plan your finances. Planning your finances can be really difficult, whether you are considering to buy a new car, home or appliance, or calculating your mortgage payment. To make this process easier, you can use financial calculators. Calculators used for assisting in calculating finances are of big help to those who are willing to plan their financial future. Usually, financial calculators are widely used in commerce and business. To choose the most suitable financial calculator for your task, you need to be familiar with these financial calculators.

Auto Loan Calculator – For calculating monthly payments for a car you want to buy, use an auto loan calculator. This is a great tool that can help you estimate if you can afford a new car. Also, the auto loan calculator displays the adjusted payment rates for those who plan to trade in a car (or anything of value) or plan to make a down payment. To calculate monthly payments for a car, you will need these variables: vehicle price, trade-in value, down payment amount, sales tax, interest rate and term in months.
Retirement Calculator – Just as their name implies, retirement calculators are used to calculate how much money do people need to save for retirement years. Using your current age and your yearly income, these financial calculators will forecast your retirement options. Some retirement calculators can also calculate how fast your savings will grow, how much money you will need to retire, when you can retire and if you will become a millionaire. With the help of these calculators, you can well prepare your finances for your retirement years and also prepare your savings to fund your retirement plans, whether it's buying your favorite sports car or conquering the world.
Amortization Calculator – One of the most commonly used financial calculators is the amortization calculator. It is the perfect tool for anyone dealing with mortgages to make the calculations of large payments quickly and conveniently. With the amortization calculator, you can plan how the structure of your mortgage will affect your interest paid. This calculator uses your current loan amount, terms in years of your mortgage and interest rate (in percentage) to make an accurate calculation of how much money you will save on interest over your loan's life.